Welcome to Health XPress Medical Center. Since opening our doors, we’ve been welcoming patients seeking treatment and medical services. We take great pride in providing our community with high quality, patient-centric healthcare.
Woman and veteran owned.
Open seven days per week
Same day appointments, little to no wait times
Multiple providers on staff
Two locations: Henderson and Spring Valley
Primary care and urgent care/walk-in clinic
Accepting new patients
Accepts most major insurances
Primary care: health history, medication refills, routine lab draw on site, heredity cancer testing, women's health including PAP smears, age appropriate screenings
Urgent care: Covid testing, Strep, flu, STD, UTIs, injuries, stitches and more
IV hydration: three packages- replenish, hangover and immune boost
Weight loss program: Macro counting, exercise programs, nutrition, Vitamin B12 injection and prescription medication